Story Boarder and Freelance 2D Artist

Animatics and individual boards from both personal and contracted work

Name: Campfire
dialogue heavy and quiet emotional scene

Name: Where is Your Rider
High fantasy/action animatic set to Where is Your Rider by the Oh Hellos

backgrounds from Where is Your Rider

Name: The Traveler
quiet moment for a widowed character


Story Boarder and Freelance 2D Artist

Claude is a 2D artist and story teller based in Cary, North Carolina. He has a background in animation and comic arts illustration, with a huge love for any and all things whimsy and sci-fi. He specializes in story boarding, atmosphere, and character acting, wanting to dive deep into the emotions and relationships between characters.
When he's not drawing, Claude is filling his days with table top role play games and spinning stories with friends. Put on a video game score and he's all set to go. He's a huge nerd at his core, so go chat him up!
Contact and Convention Portfolio:


Story Boarder and Freelance 2D Artist

Collection of illustrations based on original ideas and existing media


Story Boarder and Freelance 2D Artist

Sketch pages and concepts from personal and collaborative projects